2015 financial year is almost over, there are still some tips for you to maximise your tax refund. While the best strategies are adopted in early year such as July (as early as possible in a financial year NOT at the end), please contact GJ Solutions to discuss a proper tax planning (more than just souring bigger deductions).
1. Investment property:
- prepare a rental property depreciation report (by a qualified quantity surveyor) to claim depreciation and building write-offs
- bring forward and expenses such as repairs, some gutter clean up or some tree lopping and other maintenance and deductible payment before 30 June 2015
2. Pre-pay investment loan interest and expenses:
- if you have spare cash, then see if you can pre pay your investment loan (such as rental property loan, margin loan on shares or any other type investment loan) interest before 30 June 2015
- other expenses in relation to your investment and your work such as professional membership, subscriptions and journals
3. Income protection insurance:
- Possibly your greatest financial asset is your ability to earn an income. income protection insurance replaces up to 75% of your salary if you are unable to work due to sickness or an accident. the insurance premium is generally tax deductible.
4. Motor Vehicle Log Book: ensure to keep an accurate and completed Motor Vehicle Log Book for at least a 12 weeks period. the start date for the 12 weeks period must be on or before 30 June 2015 (if there is no much change in the pattern of motor vehicle usage, then this book can be used for 5 year).
5. Defer income and Capital Gain:
- if practically possible, arrange for the receipt of investment income (e.g. investment interest on term deposits) and the contract date for sale of Capital Gain assets, to AFTER 30 June 2015.
- Pease note the contract date is the key date for working out Capital Gain or loss, NOT the settlement date.
6. Consider sacrificing your salary to super:
- if your marginal tax rate is more than 15%, salary sacrifice can be a great ay to boost your super and pay less tax. By putting pre-tax salary into super rather than having it taxed as normal income at your marginal rate you may save tax. This is particular better strategy for employees nearing their retirement age.
- please contact us for a discussion and this strategy should be implement from early year rather the last minute.
7. Work related expenses and receipts keeping:
- you can claim up to $300 of work-related expenses without receipts, provided the claims are reasonable for outgoings related to earning assessable income.
- Please keep any receipts for work-related expenses such uniform, training courses, etc. if not sure whether they are work-related , keep receipts and consult your accountant or tax agent
8. Qualify for a Government Co-Contribution:
- if you are a low income or middle-income earner and make personal (after-tax) super contribution to your super fund, the government also makes a contribution up to a maximum amount of $500 (50% of your contributions).
- for the purpose of this test, total income is assessable income plus reportable fringe benefits plus reportable employer super contributions, less allowable business deductions
- also include con-contribution work test, income test, and age test